The air quality in a home can adversely affect its structure and furnishings. Relative humidity, which is the amount of moisture in the surrounding air in relation to what the air can hold at the current temperature, often changes from season to season and creates unique challenges for home owners. Using a hygrometer, which measures relative humidity and temperature, is an excellent way to help determine the level of relative humidity in the air and signal which steps individuals can take to avoid damage to their homes due to high or low humidity levels.
Negative Effects of High Relative Humidity
High relative humidity is typically a humidity level of 55-80% and occurs most often in the summer months, when warm weather retains more moisture. Its accompanying condensation can wreak havoc on wallpaper, causing it to blister and peel, and create water stains on walls and other parts of the home. The condition may result in a musty odor in a basement or closet and promote the growth of mold.
Negative Effects of Low Relative Humidity
Low relative humidity, which is a humidity level below 25%, features less water content in the air and is most common in the winter. It can cause damage to a home’s wood features or products, such as wood floors and furniture, by shrinking them. Even the residence’s paint is susceptible to its damage because low humidity can crack paint on walls and artwork.
How to Make Relative Humidity Adjustments in the Home
In order to combat the effect of high relative humidity, an individual can use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to cut down on indoor moisture. Exhaust fans can improve high humidity conditions by circulating the air. It is helpful to avoid using humidifiers, which increase the level of humidity in a home.
Low relative humidity requires a person to increase the level of air moisture. Placing water basins near heating units can diffuse the water into the air, and using humidifiers are a great way to increase indoor hydration.
Delaware and Maryland residents concerned with the levels of humidity in their homes should contact First Class HVAC. We have been providing heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and plumbing services for home owners and business in towns like Milton, Bear, Dover, and Lewes for over 40 years and can help you maintain a proper level of humidity to protect your home.