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How to save money on A/C this summer

How to save money on A/C this summer

It seems like every summer is a battle against staying cool and keeping your electric bill low. You shouldn’t have to suffer in a hot house to be able to afford your bills every summer. Instead, here are 5 tips for saving money on A/C this summer.

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Using fans can help keep a room cooler without cranking the A/C all the way up in the whole house. A fan makes it seem like the air around you is cooler even if it isn’t. In fact, fans can make it seem cooler by 5 degrees for significantly less money than changing the thermostat.

Turning the fan on in the room you are currently in, and it will be like having a personal breeze on your neck all day. Just remember to turn the fan off when you leave the room or you risk raising your electric bill more.

Leaving a fan on at night in your room and turning the A/C up by a few degrees could save you potentially hundreds in cooling costs every summer. You can buy energy efficient circulating fans in any hardware store or store that sells home products.

Another option is to use a programmable thermostat. This could help keep the house cool until you fall asleep then turn it up automatically overnight before cooling it down again before you wake up. Programmable thermostats can also automatically turn the thermostat up when you leave for work every day than cooling it down before you return. Again, this method could save you hundreds or even thousands over the course of a few months.


Like a magnifying class in a kid’s hand on the playground, leaving your windows uncovered in the summer will raise the temperature inside. This will make your A/C unit work overtime to keep your home cool, costing you more money especially when you aren’t home.

To combat this, keep curtain and shades drawn all day. The curtains will reflect the sun keeping your home cooler during the day. You can even invest in curtains designed to reflect the sun too. Energy efficient shades and curtains are available at nearly any home store.


Another way to keep the heat outside and not inside your home is to keep doors closed to non-insulated rooms like the garage or unfinished basement. These rooms can trap heat inside and leak heat into the rest of your home through open doors. Keeping doors shut will keep the heat in the garage and give your A/C a break.

You might also consider investing in a door draft stopper for your basement and garage doors. These draft stoppers are good for the winter and the summer. They help keep your home comfortable and leave the heat, or the freezing cold, out.


Plants, like shrubs or trees, can act like natural barricades from the sun. Planting these outside your home, especially on the south or west sides, block the sun from beating down on your windows during the hottest part of the day. Plants also absorb the sun rays and heat to keep your home and yard cooler all day long.

Use trees or shrubs to shade you A/C unit outside as well to lengthen its life-expectancy. Just be sure to trim branches away from the unit in up to two feet in every direction.


Lastly, the best way to ensure that your home’s A/C unit is efficient is to have it maintained regularly. Getting your unit inspected in the spring can avoid problems midsummer when your unit is working too hard and costing you money.

First Class HVAC can help with that. We perform air conditioning installations, services, and repairs. Call First Class HVAC to schedule a checkup on your heating and cooling unit to ensure that you and your wallet are happy this summer. Schedule your inspection and receive a free quote today. We offer emergency services too for when you just can’t wait.

