A severe winter can cause your family to yearn for a trip to warmer locales. You should be able to take a vacation or visit relatives for an extended period during the winter and not have to worry about leaving your home unattended. There are a few easy and quick steps your family can do to winterize your Delaware home so that you can have peace of mind knowing that your residence will be safe while you enjoy a break from outdoor freezing temperatures and snow.
Programming Your Thermostat
You can save energy by adjusting the thermostat in your residence when you are on vacation. Turning your thermostat to a setting between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit can keep your pipes from freezing and ensure that your residence’s central heating is not going to waste while no one is home. It is necessary to keep your heat on if you decide not to turn off the water supply to your house.
If your family has pets, consider asking a friend to take care of them in your absence or have them boarded with reputable caregivers. Your pets need physical exercise and regular feedings. If you have the types of pets who don’t require a great deal of caretaking and you intend to keep them home while you are away on vacation, remember that turning down your home’s central heating level may harm them if the temperature is too low, and having the temperature too high can dehydrate your pets and make them feel uncomfortable.
Turning Off Your Residence’s Water
If you would like to significantly reduce your home’s heating while you are away but want to avoid frozen pipes, you can turn off the water supply to your house and turn off your water system pump’s electricity. The drains in your home also need special attention. Before leaving your residence for vacation, clear all leaves and debris from gutters to keep them from getting clogged due to snow or ice buildup. Drain your pressure tank, sink and shower spray hoses, water heaters, and water treatment devices, including UV light filters and carbon filters.
Unplugging Your Refrigerator
You can save electricity and lower your energy bills by turning off your refrigerator before taking a vacation. Try to consume foods and beverages in your refrigerator and freezer before you vacate the home for an extended period. This allows you to unplug the refrigerator and not worry about spoiling your food. If your vacation departure time arrives and you still have a significant amount of food inside your refrigerator or freezer, you can still turn up the temperature of the unit and save energy, but remember to discard all food items that may spoil in your absence, including dairy products.
Closing Your Curtains
Many individuals departing their Delaware home for a winter vacation remember the importance of security and lock all doors and windows of their residence before leaving. You can improve security and save a great amount of energy as well by lowering your window blinds and closing your curtains, keeping out drafts and the cold outdoor temperatures. Doing this helps your home conserve heat and may keep your furnace from kicking on. Since many people typically close their curtains for much of the winter, doing this before leaving for vacation is not a signal to burglars that your home is vacant.
Getting away from the snow and cold of a Delaware winter can be a fun experience. To protect your home while on vacation, consider setting your thermostat at a lower temperature that keeps your house warm enough to prevent your pipes from freezing and results in savings on your energy bills. Unplug electrical appliances that aren’t needed in your absence and use your curtains and blinds to conserve indoor heat. Winterizing your residence while you are away on vacation can make your home safe and inviting for your return.
To ensure that your home is warm this winter, contact an experienced HVAC professional to learn about central heating systems that work with reliable digital thermostats. First Class HVAC has outstanding customer service and has been helping residents in Delaware and Maryland with heating installation and repair services for over 40 years. Contact us today and let us design an affordable heating system that can keep your residence warm for many years to come.