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Preparing Your Air Conditioner for Winter in Delaware

Preparing Your Air Conditioner for Winter in Delaware

When fall arrives and temperatures begin dropping in Delaware, it is time to think about preparing your central air conditioning unit for the winter. Keeping the device dry helps it to avoid moisture damage and lengthens the equipment’s lifespan. It is easy to take a few minutes to remove debris from it and clean and cover the unit until the residence needs to use it again in warmer weather.

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Turning Off the Power to the Central Air Conditioning System

When you remember to turn off the power to your outdoor AC unit, you remove the risk of accidentally turning the device on in the winter. This can result in lower energy costs and keeps the system’s water from freezing due to cycling water.

Cleaning the Exterior of the Air Conditioning Unit

It is a good idea to clean the exterior of a central air conditioning unit before winter arrives, and brushing away dirt and other debris is an excellent start. Small twigs, leaves, and grass can get lodged in the tiny grooves of an outdoor unit, so removing them and spraying the device with water from a hose should make it clean.

Maintaining the Interior of the Central Air Unit

The inside of a central air conditioning system can get fairly dirty after a season or two of running it. An experienced HVAC professional can clean the interior of the equipment thoroughly, which can extend its lifespan.

Covering the Central Air Conditioning Unit

As part of the winterization process, an individual should cover the air conditioning system with a waterproof vinyl or plastic cover to keep moisture from seeping into it. Securing the cover from winter’s rough weather is a must, so the cover should fit snugly on the unit, and bungee cords can keep the cover intact, preventing it from moving due to strong winds and snowfall.

Most central air conditioning systems have a lifespan of approximately 15-25 years. With proper maintenance, you may be able to keep your central air conditioning unit running smoothly for 30 years or longer. Cleaning and covering the AC unit are quick solutions to protecting it and help ensure that your AC unit is functioning properly and can bring the relief of cool air once the weather heats up the following spring or summer.

To find great air conditioning solutions or to have your central air unit cleaned professionally, contact an HVAC technician. First Class HVAC has been helping residents in Delaware choose the best central air conditioning systems for their homes for more than 40 years. Contact us today to discuss which outdoor air conditioning devices are a good fit for your lifestyle.

