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Reducing Heating Duct Noise in Your Delaware Home

Reducing Heating Duct Noise in Your Delaware Home

The warmth from the heating system in your Delaware home can be comforting, but loud booms and shaking noises emitting from your heating ducts can interrupt your relaxation. It is reasonable that running your heat causes some soft sounds to occur, but excessive noise is an indication that there is a problem somewhere throughout the heating system. You can examine your air ducts to find the root of the problem, but it is also important to pay special attention to your furnace and other components of the heating system to determine if they are malfunctioning, causing sounds to travel through the heating ducts.

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Temperature Fluctuations

Booming sounds in your heating ducts can annoy the residents in your home, particularly when they occur throughout the entire winter. The cause of the booming is often due to temperature fluctuations that affect the plenum and duct trunk. To muffle the noise of expanding and contracting components in your air ducts, consider using acoustic liners to eliminate or greatly reduce the noise.

Air Pressure Drops

If you experience vibrating or shaking noises from your heating duct, the cause may be a problem with your heating system’s airflow. A clogged filter can create a significant drop in air pressure that makes heating duct walls vibrate, causing the sheet metal of the duct to shake and cause noise.  You can carefully clean your filter of dust and debris or contact an HVAC technician to perform maintenance on the filter.

A Shaking Air Handler Motor

Loud sounds that reverberate throughout your heating duct system may be the result of the shaking components of your air handler motor. The metal box can make a great deal of noise when it is running and its part vibrate. Installing insulation throughout your ductwork system can reduce this noise, and even a single layer of insulation can make a noticeable improvement.

Disconnected Joints

The rattle of loose heating duct joints can disturb a peaceful night at home or keep you awake all night. Disconnected joints can also waste energy by causing your heating system to work harder. You can locate which duct joints are causing the problem and tighten them, or speak with a licensed HVAC professional and have the technician address the problem.

A Squealing Blower Motor

The loud sounds from a malfunction in the blower motor of your furnace can travel through the heating ducts of your home. It is important to keep the blower motor clean so that it properly works. If the noise is due to a frayed belt affecting the blower motor, an HVAC professional can replace the belt and bring a peaceful silence back to your residence.

Your home’s heating system is an intricate network, and there are several locations and components that can cause excessive noise when you run your heat to raise the temperature in your Delaware home this winter. Loud sounds that seem to come from your heating duct may indicate that there is a problem in the duct itself, but the noise from a malfunctioning furnace or other pieces of equipment can be amplified as it travels through a heating duct. You can get to the root of the problem by examining the components of your heating system and fixing them, and an experienced HVAC technician may quickly find the problem by identifying the issue based on the types of sounds that are disturbing your residence’s peace and quiet.

Harsh winds and frigid temperatures this winter can make you seek the reliable comfort of the heating system in your Delaware home. First Class HVAC has been providing advanced heating solutions and heating system maintenance for the residents of Delaware, in cities such as New Castle and Lewes, and Maryland for more than 40 years. Contact us today for installation and service on all heating system makes and models.

