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How to Prevent Dry Winter Skin in Delaware

How to Prevent Dry Winter Skin in Delaware

The dry skin that many people experience in the winter in Delaware is often caused by the depletion of their skin’s moisture. There are many causes for this condition, which can result in chapped lips and skin that is so itchy that scratching not only doesn’t help, but further aggravates the problem. Paying special attention to your home’s heating and retaining moisture inside your body so that it may keep you hydrated are some of the ways you can prevent dry skin from becoming a big problem when winter arrives.

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Seal Your Home from Winter Cold and Winds

One of the main reasons Delaware residents develop dry skin in winter is because their home has gaps that let in the dry, cold outside air. Remember to caulk window gaps and make sure to block spaces around doors before winter even begins. Air leaks from plumbing, cracks, furnace vent stacks, and other locations also need attention. Use a portable humidifier to add moisture to the air and keep dry, itchy skin at bay.

Consider a Humidifier Mounted to Your Furnace

Some humidifier styles work directly with a home’s furnace and hydrate indoor air. A resident can mount a flow-through humidifier to a furnace’s air return duct, which promotes air moisture distribution when the warm air gains moisture from the humidifier’s evaporator pad. A flow-through humidifier keeps air from getting excessively dry due to moisture being introduced to the air via its water reservoir, causing dry winter air in your Delaware home to feel more comfortable and preventing dry skin issues from developing in the first place.

Set Your Home’s Heating at a Lower Level

Dry air from indoor heating can affect your sinuses, cause chapped lips, and create conditions that make you develop a sore throat. In addition to using a humidifier, set your indoor heating to a lower temperature. Adjusting your central heating’s thermostat to a reduced temperature setting can help you retain more of your body’s moisture and avoid flaky, cracked winter skin.

Drink More Water

Since our bodies are made up primarily of water, water loss from dry winter weather and indoor heating can negatively impact our skin in the coldest months of the year. Drinking more water in winter can help replenish some of the moisture our bodies lose. Great sources of water include filtered water, herbal tea, and decaffeinated coffee.

Avoid Hot Baths and Showers

One might think that introducing your dry skin to water from a bath or shower should relieve your dry skin or keep it from getting dehydrated, but bathing in hot water strips your skin of its moisture. It is better to take a shower or bath using water that is slightly warm or at room temperature, which is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can keep your skin more hydrated if you gently pat your skin dry after bathing, which causes less friction and reduces the removal of essential body oils than rubbing your skin with a bath towel.

To avoid getting dry skin this winter in Delaware, be sure that you keep dry outdoor air out of your home and hydrate the air inside your residence by using a humidifier to add moisture to the warm air from your heating system. By drinking more water and ensuring that you don’t strip your skin of moisture, you can avoid flaky, cracked skin that itches and burns. The fixes for keeping your home’s air more humid in winter don’t require much energy or cost, but they can help a great deal in making your family feel more comfortable when cold outdoor temperatures require you to spend more time indoors.

You can fully enjoy the warmth of your home’s central heating system when you hydrate the heated air and avoid actions that can cause dry skin. First Class HVAC has been helping individuals in Delaware and Maryland for more than 40 years find central heating systems that conserve energy, reduce energy costs, and keep your family warm in the coldest months of the year. Contact us today to work with an HVAC professional who has extensive knowledge about the best heating systems that can make your Delaware home feel warm and inviting this winter.

