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Make your Basement Feel like Part of your House

Make your Basement Feel like Part of your House

Basements are a gold-mine in any home. They offer extra storage and living space, as well as endless opportunities. Well, a finished basement is a gold-mine. An unfinished basement can spell trouble for your home.

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Unfinished basements are difficult to manage. The temperature can fluctuate between hot and cold during any time of the year. This can raise your heating and cooling costs as air escapes the basement and changes the temperature in the rest of your house.

The easiest solution is finishing the basement, but that is not always the most time-efficient or budget-friendly solution.

Another option could simply be to buy a door draft stopper. These soft cushions slip under your door to prevent air from escaping to or from your basement. This cheap solution is your best option is you don’t plan on using the basement.

Budget-friendly options that allow your basement to be livable could include fixing up your unfinished basement a little.


In order to fix up your unfinished basement, you should be prepared for a long-haul trip to the hardware store and probably the home store or super store. There are several steps before your basement will feel livable.


The first step to making your basement livable is to reduce the moisture. Moisture can make your basement air feel heavy and damp, or your items could feel damp after a few days down there.

If you think you have a moisture problem downstairs, but you aren’t sure where the moisture is coming from, tape a one-inch piece of foil to the wall. Leave it there for 24 hours. After 24 hours look for condensation.

If there is condensation on the side facing the wall, moisture could be seeping in from outside. To avoid that, follow our instructions for reducing moisture from outside.

If there is condensation on the side facing the basement, your basement could be trapping humidity. Follow our instructions for dehumidifying your basement.


The first step to reducing moisture from seeping in from outside is to add gutter extensions to your downspouts. Gutter extensions allow downspouts to drain farther away from your home and reduce rainwater build up against your foundation.

If that doesn’t fix your moisture problem, try looking for and filling cracks in your basement walls with caulk. You can also consider painting your walls with a water sealing paint to reduce leaks. Ask at the hardware store for more help picking out the right product for your project.


Probably the easiest task so far, dehumidify your basement with a simple dehumidifier. These units can be pricey, so be sure you’re getting one big enough for your space. You can purchase these at the hardware store too, so just be sure to ask for help when picking one out.


After attending to the moisture problem, give your basement few days to air out before you start decorating. Painting the walls, floors, and even ceiling can help make your basement feel less like a dungeon.


Add lighting like fairy lights hanging from the ceiling to brighten up the room, and choose decorations like rugs and pillows with a pop of color.


If your basement could use some major work, consider hiring a professional to help. First Class HVAC can help with dehumidifying your basement and installing A/C and heating to help you control your basement temperature better. Our indoor air quality control services can make a world of difference in your muggy basement too. Don’t forget to ask us about Zone Heating and Cooling when you contact us online or call us at 302-804-1309 today.

