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Why You Should Ventilate Your Garage

Why You Should Ventilate Your Garage

The garage is an area of the home that often needs the most ventilation. Vehicle fumes and the additives found in painting supplies, insecticides, and automotive and household cleaners can build up and create a toxic environment, endangering the health of the home’s residents. It is important to properly ventilate your garage year-round to improve its air quality and keep it safe for all individuals spending time in or near this space.

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Heat from Vehicles

A car’s metal components radiate heat and can make a garage insufferably stuffy, especially in the summer. This heat can stay trapped in a garage for hours after an individual parks a vehicle in the space. If the garage features an insulated garage door, the stagnant heat can be much worse. To minimize the build-up of heat, the heat must be removed by ventilation.

Automobile Exhaust Fumes

The exhaust from a vehicle contains dangerous fumes that can be deadly when they become trapped in an area and are unable to escape. The fumes are especially threatening when they are contained in an attached garage, which can cause the fumes to create health problems for residents who breathe in the exhaust. Thus, quickly removing the exhaust from the garage is important for health and safety.

Workspace Heat

Many people enjoy using their garages for DIY projects and other hobbies. It can be difficult to complete tasks in a garage that has bad ventilation because the heat and smells of the area can get overwhelming. This can be potentially harmful to an individual’s health when storing household cleaners, insecticides, lawn treatments, and other products in the garage. These items may contain additives that are poisonous or noxious when a person inhales them, even for a short period of time.

Solutions for Ventilating a Garage   

Installing vents, including roof turbine vents, in a garage can help circulate air and bring comfort to people spending time in the space. Opening a window helps ventilate the area, but using a window fan in the window is preferable. A person can install an air conditioning unit in a window, making sure that the stuffy air inside the garage can escape and bring in clean air from outside.

To improve the air quality of your garage and make it a safe place for your family, contact an HVAC professional to explore the methods you may choose that can improve air ventilation. First Class HVAC has been assisting residents in Delaware towns like Millsboro and Newport and Maryland towns like Pocomoke and Stockton in selecting air quality solutions for over 40 years. Contact us today to improve the ventilation in your garage and make your home comfortable and safe.

